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Thursday 4 November 2010


When satisfaction occupies my mind!!!

While getting answers for all the unanswered questions in the mind isn’t it?
But in a certain part of time mind obviously stops thinking.
Only unanswered questions make your mind ready to think and active.

When all our wishes, becoming true day by day isn’t it?
You will start testing the life with the unwanted wishes whether it is happening or not and you wouldn’t know what exactly your need is.

When getting an attractive external appearance that we dreamt for a very long time isn’t it?
One fine day all the handsome heroes and awesome princesses should lose their youth because of nature

When you achieved luxurious life and wealth isn’t it?
Again no need for explanation, because mind will start hunger and jump on the next level luxuries

Damn it…Its enough.
I don’t want to live.
Let me ending my life.

Again you will start thinking whether you will go to heaven or hell.

If you are an atheist you will think that you are sole genius in this world where as all the others are just bull s**t

So let me conclude the topic without discussing and dragging.
Yeah I am feeling the boredom facing by the readers right now.

Do we need to search the satisfaction in society or spirituality?

Still looking for the answer?
God damn it.
If I know the answer,
Why the hell I am pouring out all the things here.
We are sailing in backwaters, so the worst scenario would be either drowning into the water or if you go with the flow of water it would lead to a very large stream as a destination.
In both the cases you will die.

So, just go and search your own bank. Don’t stay as well as go with the flow of life!!

It is not that easy!!!!!
Don’t search for a tree with out sowing the seed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I dunno wat to comment on this post ;-)

    I'm yet to sow the seed but still expecting the fruit from that imaginary tree as every common human :P

    No human is 100% satisfied and will never be but I personally don't yell for the dissatisfaction of mine... Smile (of mine and the once I get as a response from every other fellow being)always overtakes my dissatisfaction and hence I'm FEELING Satisfied ;-)


    This comment might not be related to this scenario but this is how I travel.. I mean my thoughts travel ;-)
