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Friday 12 November 2010

Bugs in God’s creation!!

Why do you design the thinking of human nature and even poetic nature inside every human with partial manner!!!

Poems are always coming only about good looking girls!!
Does the poetic nature come only for fair screen?

Our hands pick the most beautiful kid who dressed like a Barbie among so many children. Why don’t our hands go to the black, curly haired and not well dressed kid in the same group?
Why does our mind always looking for beauty even to Kids?

Rogues and unemployed guys are heroes only in the movies but in real why girls are searching the heroism in MBA and IT?

Our poets are writing only about moon, but none has written anything about the no-moon day?

I am not blaming the human nature and thinking!!!

It is a bug made by you!!

Thursday 4 November 2010


When satisfaction occupies my mind!!!

While getting answers for all the unanswered questions in the mind isn’t it?
But in a certain part of time mind obviously stops thinking.
Only unanswered questions make your mind ready to think and active.

When all our wishes, becoming true day by day isn’t it?
You will start testing the life with the unwanted wishes whether it is happening or not and you wouldn’t know what exactly your need is.

When getting an attractive external appearance that we dreamt for a very long time isn’t it?
One fine day all the handsome heroes and awesome princesses should lose their youth because of nature

When you achieved luxurious life and wealth isn’t it?
Again no need for explanation, because mind will start hunger and jump on the next level luxuries

Damn it…Its enough.
I don’t want to live.
Let me ending my life.

Again you will start thinking whether you will go to heaven or hell.

If you are an atheist you will think that you are sole genius in this world where as all the others are just bull s**t

So let me conclude the topic without discussing and dragging.
Yeah I am feeling the boredom facing by the readers right now.

Do we need to search the satisfaction in society or spirituality?

Still looking for the answer?
God damn it.
If I know the answer,
Why the hell I am pouring out all the things here.
We are sailing in backwaters, so the worst scenario would be either drowning into the water or if you go with the flow of water it would lead to a very large stream as a destination.
In both the cases you will die.

So, just go and search your own bank. Don’t stay as well as go with the flow of life!!

It is not that easy!!!!!
Don’t search for a tree with out sowing the seed.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

A tiny tribute to Indian Army

It is hard to love a man whose legs are bent and paralysed.
He lost his leg in the war while doing his patriotic chore.

Will the country come and serve him now?
Will the god come and give him a beautiful life?
Will the fate bring the girl whom he loved most when he was handsome?

He is in the last day of his life.
The shadow on the wall is getting moved.
Yes the sun is going down.

Will some miracle happen and save this person?
Will all the good things that he has done, bring back the normal life to him?

  -These are all the screaming from his friends and relatives.

He knows the outcome of the war.
He knows the exact impact and risks before he involved in the war.
He served for the country well and now he is dying for the country.
He brought glory to entire nation

  -A proud statement from the Army.

Whatever may be his profession, he is my son and he is going to die now.
"God!!! Please save my son’s life at least. I will take care of him."

-         A tear that burst out from a true heart

"Guys! we will forward this to all our friends and make him proud . Media is not at all showing importance to his patriotism"

-         An usual dialogue and action from Software professionals

“He is my”……Silence…Crying …Silence…Crying…Controlling…Crying…

-         His lover, is not able to express what is in her mind (thinking about the society and parents). She is just screaming inside.

But no one can find what is in the mind of a person who is dying for the nation.

Do you think that he is also worrying about the things expressed by his parents, lover, friends and relatives?

No definitely not…

He did not spoil his adolescent age by smoking, drinking.

He did not run away to foreign countries or to a software industry to serve for other countries just because for money.

He did not disappoint his parents by run away with a girl that he loved most.

People who are doing all these are not worrying about their roles in this world.

Why does this brave, patriotic person need to worry?

He is pretty happy with his performance.

The only thing he worries is how he failed to kill his opponent just for saving his fellow country men.

He has the satisfaction that he sacrificed everything for the country.

I won’t narrate his death as sad one in this blog.

He is just spitting on the persons who are wasting their life.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Best time to propose a girl!!!!

When do Boys fall in love??

She should be a very calm girl in the entire class room.
She should not talk to many guys.
She belongs to the same street that you are.

She used to take bus in the same bus stop that you do
She used to talk with you when no one in the class
She shared her mobile number during any fun activities in your college

She spent few minutes with you during the college tour either in train/ bus

She ties a friendship band in your hand

She laughs until her stomach aches for your ever worst comedy

She requests for a help even others guys are there in the class

She was eager to write in your slam book.

Her few minutes chat feels the sugar coated minutes in you life

For Readers: Are you feeling nice on reading the above lines?

Guys, beware you are 5 years lagging. Modern school / college guys would feel this as worst mokkai. You are bit old.

Ok Go to the next level.

When do Guys fall in love??

A girl joins in your project along with you for transition

A girl joins in your project to get transition / technical help from you

A girl used to call you for Lunch / tea break

She resembles a film character (that too the roles acted by Jyothika / Genelia)

A girl always sending messages to you (Good Morning, Early Morning, Evening, Night, Mid Night)

For Readers: Again are you feeling so nice?

  Yes this time also beware, she is definitely having a boy friend (It is 100 % not you.) and finally marry a person who is chosen by their parents with a dialogue “I want to make my lovable ones happy”

When do Guys propose a Girl?

That girl or you are getting released from the project.

That girl or you are moving to onsite.

When you hear that their parents are looking for alliance.

When you get the fear that this girl is no more in your life.

For Readers: Did you ever face this kind of situation in your life?

  Don’t worry. Her wedding invitation is waiting for you!!!! LOL!!


If you don’t get any of the above things with a girl that you are closely moving.
You are in love with her!!!
You can very well propose that girl!!!
She is yours!!!
Good Luck!! Life is too small!! Make the best out of it!!!

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Optimistic or Pessimistic - I dont know!!!

                                                              August 8th 2010

Yes it is very very special..

Not because it was B’day!!! Also

Not because it was my last Bachelor’s B’day!!!

Not because I was in three different countries on that day!!!

Not because I was travelling to onsite!!!

But because

I discovered new feelings inside me!!!

Yes these come only during departures!!

• All my shyness are changed into “Expressing”

• All my happiest moments have taken a new avatar called “Memories”

• All my chatting have to be fitted into social networking websites (***** websites - I hated them in my life previously)

• All my inspirational attitude take diverted just because for money as Jeremy Taylor once told “Men are apt to prefer a prosperous error to an afflicted truth“

• Messaging tones in mobile phones went into dumb

Yes of course it gives an immense pain inside but sugar and chocolate coated with name called Joy outside!!

Once I realised all these things, oh god I am also running in this mad race going no where but searching the exits everywhere!!

I am also a stupid common man.

I don’t know whether I have to be happy with the position that he has given to me now or I need to worry for all the things that I have missed.

Yes this time I am not a stupid common man.

Because “Testing the patience and attitude” is the game that god used to play with me..

Yes the Game is still ON because I haven’t won yet

Friday 27 August 2010


She creates a miracle in me.

She teaches what pain is

She teaches how to be happy always

She creates that magic inside me

You want to know who she is…

Just go ahead…

I want to be with her one more time.

It may be last. But I can’t

I want to kiss her, hug her and make love with her

For the first and last time.

But I can’t

Yes she is none than our own "sweet memories" ;-)

I can only remember her!!!

Make your present life a memorable one!!!!

Thursday 26 August 2010

Thirst for creativeness never goes in vain

Creativity can't be manufactured when there is a market demand like making breakfast food or noodles..
It should be an art which is always a search for something for which there is no market demand, something comes out of the mind, where the outcomes are always special and have nothing to compare with any existing things.

Tuesday 24 August 2010